Friday, 8 November 2013

Project Week and Exeat

We left MUWCI on Friday 19th October and travelled 90 minutes in a bus to Pune train station, where we caught a 27 hour long train to Delhi. We stopped there for a few hours to get subway and frozen yoghurt, before carrying on 5 hours in another train to Dehradun. Next, we caught a jeep for 5 hours into the mountains, passing some amazing views of peaks and lakes. We arrived at our 'base camp' where we met our guide and other people who would be walking with us and had some amazing food before setting up camp for the night. 
The hiking itself wasn't too hard, although as a group we walked very slowly. We walked 8km on the first day, 14km on the second, 8 on the third, 14 on the fourth and 8 again on our last day. At night, temperatures dropped below freezing and I woke up shivering a few times, but the sky was amazing - we saw so many shooting stars! The group bonded really nicely, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the week, it was hilarious to see some people's reaction as they saw snow for the first time. I didn't shower for 10 days, but it was totally worth it and the food was phenomenally good!

We arrived home on the Sunday night, and on the Tuesday, my Mum and Chris arrived. It was so nice to see them and catch up on everything that's been going on! They absolutely loved campus (I think) although they were a bit overwhelmed at the amount of people they were meeting. They came with me to PCH (Paud Children's Home on the Wednesday) and really enjoyed themselves. On the friday, we left for Exeat (basically a long weekend) with Mum and Chris, and two of my friends Martina (half Malaysian) and Marija (Norwegian). We travelled on a sleeper bus to Aurangabad which is a city inland of Mumbai. We stayed in an amazing hotel called the lemon tree and went to see the largest handmade rock temples in the world, called Ellora caves. We also went to a mini Taj Mahal and we were meant to go paragliding too, but because of Diwali (a huge Indian festival), the sports centre was closed so we just chilled by the pool. We then flew to Mumbai and dropped Mum and Chris off at a very fancy hotel called the Taj, opposite the Gateway to India. However, my bag did not arrive as it had been put on a flight to Delhi by accident. The three of us then went on to our friend Shiv's house for our remaining two nights in Mumbai and we celebrated the eventual arrival of my bag, and my friend Elize's birthday. We went on Shiv's yacht for one day which was absolutely amazing and just chilled for the rest of our time there, of course fitting in time for a little shopping! 

However, the day I arrived back to campus, I got really sick. I couldn't keep any food down, had a fever of 104 degrees and I fainted. Because I couldn't eat, they put me on a drip for 6 hours to try and rehydrate me, which actually worked as I feel a lot better now! I'm still not out of the med centre, but I can actually eat food and drink water now. Today there is a 1st year vs 2nd year football match, a pool party and karaoke which I really want to go to, but doubt I will be allowed to!

Mamma mia rehearsals are going well, its a lot of fun and I get along really well with the other cast members! My wrist is a lot better now too, although I still feel pain if I put too much pressure on it. 

Again, sorry for the disjointedness of this post - as you can tell I'm not the best writer about!


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